Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Overview

For Patients Treatment & Care Psoriatic Arthritis
Infusion For Health


With painful joint stiffness, scaly skin, and swollen digits, living with psoriatic arthritis can be incredibly difficult. That’s not to mention the unsightly red patches of inflamed, scaly skin that appear. Those who live with this condition know very well the pain of a flare up. Even in remission, there is a constant fear and anxiety about when the next flare up will come.

Even though there is currently no permanent cure, infusion treatment for psoriatic arthritis is a way to manage symptoms and restore quality of life.

Psoriatic Arthritis

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects people who have psoriasis. It occurs when the body’s immune system begins attacking healthy tissue, leading to inflammation and pain. An individual must then deal with two painful and potentially disabling diseases.

The cause of psoriatic arthritis is not completely clear. But genetics seem to be a clear factor in whether someone experiences this condition. It is also possible that those who already have an inherited tendency towards psoriatic arthritis can have the condition triggered by physical trauma, such as an infection or injury. The final factor is age. Though psoriatic arthritis can be developed at any age, it most commonly occurs between ages 30 and 50.

When patients with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, they may experience the following symptoms:

  • Painful, severe swelling in the hands and feet (especially in fingers and toes)
  • Difficult moving and stiffness due to joint pain
  • Red, scaly patches on the skin
  • Extreme stiffness in the morning
  • Foot pain, especially at the back of the heel or on the sole of the foot
  • Lower back pain between your spine and hips

Like osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis varies in severity and painfulness from person to person.

The psoriatic arthritis symptoms can also increase or decrease in severity. During flare ups, patients experience worse symptoms that can feel unbearable. Most patients go between periods of flare ups and periods of remission.

As psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, there is no cure. However, with the right treatments, symptoms can be managed to help the patient live a relatively comfortable, pain-free life. More importantly, treatment can prevent the permanent joint damage that occurs and can be disabling.

How Is Psoriatic Arthritis Treated?

As science and medicine better understand how psoriatic arthritis affects the body, new and more effective treatments have been created to manage it. Infusion therapy from Infusion for Health is one of the most reliable ways to manage psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

During infusion therapy treatments, biologic medicines are administered directly into the bloodstream. This provides faster relief from psoriatic arthritis symptoms – most often improving in just a few weeks, then becoming manageable afterwards.

Infusion therapy is also affordable, especially when compared to the cost of hospitalization. On average, visits to Infusion for Health are 53% less expensive than infusions provided at a hospital. Learn more about treatment affordability.

Managing psoriatic arthritis requires regular, ongoing treatments. That’s why Infusion for Health makes it simple to schedule appointments for patients who want to live a pain and rash-free life.

Why Infusion for Health is a Leader for Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

At Infusion for Health, we offer the leading treatments for psoriatic arthritis, including:

  • Actemra
  • Avsola
  • Cimzia
  • Inflectra
  • Orencia
  • Remicade
  • Rituxin
  • Simponi-Aria
  • Stelara

Because we specialize in infusion therapies, our staff knows how to provide you with the most comfortable experience possible.

  • If you need to reschedule your appointment, our friendly staff is ready to help.
  • During your visit, a medical professional will guide you every step of the way to let you know how long it will take, whether there may be side effects, and other important information. Then you’ll be personally escorted to a comfortable, sanitized private suite.

While you receive your infusion therapy, you’ll be able to relax in a cozy recliner with warm blankets, snacks, and a big screen TV.

Whether you are currently experiencing a flare up or are in remission, there is hope to get your condition under control. At Infusion for Health, you’ll be met with a team of understanding, caring professionals who can make sure you receive the highest quality treatment possible. Learn more about planning your visit and receiving your treatment from Infusion for Health.

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