Plaque Psoriasis Treatment Overview

For Patients Treatment & Care Plaque Psoriasis
Infusion For Health


Itchy red patches on the torso, knees, and elbows. Scaly white scabs. And even blood. Living with plaque psoriasis can feel excruciating at times. From the embarrassment of having so many sores, to the discomfort of the constant itchiness, those experiencing its effects are desperate for a plaque psoriasis treatment.

Fortunately, as doctors have increased their understanding of the causes and symptoms of plaque psoriasis, new treatments have emerged. These are helping those who used to suffer in agony finally find some relief from this painful, itchy rash.

Plaque Psoriasis

What Is Plaque Psoriasis?

An itchy, chronic skin condition, plaque psoriasis can feel like torture. The severe skin rashes are red, patchy and scaly, causing discomfort. Common sites of these rashes include the scalp, elbows, knees, torso, and generally in the folds of the skin.

While doctors are not completely certain at the causes of plaque psoriasis, we do know it is an autoimmune disorder. This means it occurs when your immune system attacks itself. When your immune system attacks healthy skin, new cells grow to replace them at a fast rate. This is what causes the itchy, red patches of skin.

There are many factors which can cause plaque psoriasis to flare up. These factors differ from person to person, but they generally include:

  • Diet
  • Exposure to a plan or allergen
  • A co-occurring illness
  • Stress
  • Injury
  • Excessive drinking or smoking
  • Changes in the weather
  • Certain medications

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for plaque psoriasis. However, there are effective ongoing treatments that can help keep symptoms under control.

How Can Plaque Psoriasis Be Treated?

Thanks to a better understanding of the factors which contribute to this condition, systemic therapy (infusion and injection) from Infusion for Health has been found to be one of the most effective ways to manage it.

What is infusion therapy for plaque psoriasis like? Infusion therapy refers to treatment where biologic medication is administered intravenously. Unlike difficult to swallow pills which must be digested, the infusion enters the bloodstream directly. This means relief from the symptoms of plaque psoriasis begins faster, without any delay, after a single visit to one of our centers. Injection treatments work in a similar manner, but are injected instead of being done through IV.

In our experience, most patients who receive infusion therapy begin to see their symptoms improve in just a few weeks. Infusion therapy is also affordable, costing on average 53% less than hospital-based infusions. Learn more about treatment affordability.

Because plaque psoriasis is an ongoing, chronic condition, patients can regularly schedule their therapy sessions. This helps continually improve symptoms and provide the hope of a rash-free, pain-free life.

Why Infusion for Health Is a Leader in Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

At Infusion for Health, we offer the leading infusion treatments for plaque psoriasis, including

  • Ilumya (injection)
  • Stelara (injection)
  • Cimzia (injection)
  • Remicade (infusion)

Because of our focus on infusion therapies and injections, we are experienced in helping our patients have a safe, comfortable experience.

That’s why our staff members are ready to help at every step of the way.

  • Before your visit, we’ll work with your insurance carrier to approve treatment. We’ll also review costs beforehand to ensure there are no surprises. If you are eligible for any payment assistance programs, we will help you access them.
  • Our appointment process provides hassle-free, convenient scheduling and rescheduling if needed.
  • During your visit, you’ll meet with a medical professional who will walk you through your treatment, how long it will take, potential side effects (if any), and anything else you may want to know. Then you’ll be escorted to a comfortable, disinfected private suite.

During the treatment, you’ll sit in a cozy chair where you can relax. If you need a snack or a warm blanket, our staff is ready to help.

If you’re suffering from the symptoms of plaque psoriasis, there is help. At Infusion for Health, you’ll find a team of caring, understanding professionals who ensure your affordable treatment is always of the highest quality. Learn more about planning your visit and receiving your treatment from Infusion for Health.

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