High Cholesterol Treatment Overview

For Patients Treatment & Care High Cholesterol
Infusion For Health


High Cholesterol is a condition of having too much cholesterol circulating in your blood. While it can run in families, usually it’s caused by eating too much fatty food, not getting enough exercise, and carrying a few extra pounds. Smoking and drinking alcohol can make it worse. If you are struggling with managing your cholesterol levels, your doctor may recommend injections of Leqvio. We can help you maintain your treatment regimen and enjoy measurable results. Call Infusion for Health today to find out more about this treatment option.

High Cholesterol

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a combination of fat and protein that exists in every cell in your body. Your body makes cholesterol to build cells. It is also used to make hormones, vitamin D, and enzymes and acids for digesting food. You can also ingest cholesterol when you eat egg yolks, meat, and dairy products.

Your body makes three kinds of cholesterol:

  • HDL or high-density lipoproteins pick up other kinds of cholesterol around your body and carries it to the liver to remove it from your bloodstream.
  • LDL or low-density lipoproteins are the majority of cholesterol in your system. It is used by your body for insulating nerve cells, digestion, cell repair and more. Too much of it, though, can build-up in your arteries and other health issues.
  • VLDL or very low-density lipoproteins bring building block molecules to cells and create hormones. Like LDL cholesterol, too much VLDL can build up and block your arteries.

While you need all three kinds of cholesterol for healthy cells, too much is a health risk. Your heart must work harder and it can collect on artery walls and block blood flow (atherosclerosis). High cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, peripheral arterial disease or stroke.

The condition usually has no symptoms. They only way to know if you are at risk is through a blood test for cholesterol levels. You should get tested regularly, generally at least once every five years. If you are older and have a history of elevated cholesterol, annual tests are recommended.

How Can High Cholesterol Be Treated?

When lifestyle and diet changes and oral medications are not lowering your cholesterol enough, your doctor may prescribe an add-on therapy called Leqvio. These injects are prescribed to people with conditions that cause high cholesterol in the blood, such as primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia.

This treatment is frequently used in combination with a low-fat diet and traditional statin cholesterol-lowering medications. At Infusion Health, we work with you

Why Infusion for Health Leads in Leqvio Treatments

We put your comfort and quality of care first. High cholesterol can cause anxiety and treating it can sometimes be frustrating. We do all we can to ease the burden and make staying on the treatment plan easy for you.

When you come for your first injection, our caring staff will walk you through all of the details and will discuss potential side effects and how to handle them. We will coordinate and plan your follow-on injections to make staying on track easy.

You will receive your injection in a private therapy suite that includes:

  • Comfortable recliner
  • Big screen TV
  • Beverages
  • As many warm blankets as you need

We stay in contact your care provider to discuss how everything is going so that your whole care team stays informed and coordinated.

Let Infusion for Health Help You

You have a choice when it comes to your infusion therapy treatments. Receive Leqvia in a comfortable, safe, worry-free environment at Infusion for Health. Learn more about how you can receive the highest in quality treatment, and care at one of our convenient clinics. Give us a call today, so you can start feeling better faster.

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